Soon after our decision as a family to "share Christmas," we were blessed to fly to Washington D.C. with our oldest daughter. Before we left, I challenged myself, my husband, and my daughter to find ways to help or share Christmas while on our trip. My daughter wasn't sure it was possible. She said, "But we don't know anyone there." "That's what makes it such a great challenge!" was my reply.
While in Washington D.C. we were in a rush to see as many of the incredible sights as possible in the 4 short days we were there. The wheels were continuously turning during the entire time looking for opportunities to help and serve others while there as well.
Of course there were numerous opportunities that presented themselves. A large tip for the cab driver who was so courteous and kind. Several handouts for people down and out, begging on the streets. And my favorite was inviting a fellow teacher to join us on a "Museums by Moonlight" tour of the city. She was traveling alone and later told me she would not have been able to see the city this trip if we had not invited her to join us. She was nervous about touring alone. (As I would be too.)
I have witnessed an incredible transformation in my children these last couple of weeks. All three are focused on finding people to help. One of the biggest transformations that I have noticed is the sincere and heartfelt prayers I hear now. Listening to them pray for others during family prayers melts my heart.. My children are not the only ones who have experienced a change. I LOVE the almost tangible feeling that has enveloped me this season. I truly know that this project has brought each member of my family closer to God and Christ this year. I am so blessed!